About Procurement U
NASPO’s Procurement U is a multi-faceted education platform provided to members of the National Association of State Procurement Officials and other government procurement professionals. Procurement U provides professional development opportunities, training, resources, publications and more that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of public procurement officials and staff.
Procurement U courses are designed to provide instruction to learners at all levels of state government procurement, although other public procurement professionals (including federal, city and county government employees) may also benefit from courses. Procurement U courses are not intended for those employed in the private sector.
The mission of the NASPO Professional Development Team is to provide accessible educational resources to all current and future public procurement professionals.
Course Fees
NASPO has established Procurement U course fees at an affordable level to benefit the widest circle of potential learners. Fees will be evaluated on a regular basis and are subject to change.
Payment is due at registration and fees are payable by credit card. NASPO state members utilizing professional development funds may pay with a code, as described below. Direct questions about payment to [email protected].
Using Professional Development Funds to Purchase Courses
Each NASPO primary state member has been assigned a unique Professional Development Fund code for use in Procurement U. Entering the code in the Coupon Code field during the checkout process allows the learner to pay directly from the state’s NASPO professional development funds. By entering the code, the learner affirms and commits that he/she has been authorized by the primary member to access funds within NASPO’s policy and guidelines.
The Procurement U Online Learning Management System is your gateway to course registration and access to resources.

Login URL: https://procurementu.myabsorb.com/
Username: Your state email address or the email you use to log into the NASPO Network
Password: Click the Create Account button to create your account and password.
You will be prompted to change your password as soon as you log in. If you are not a NASPO member and would like access, please click the Create Account button to register. If you have any difficulties with log in, please contact [email protected].
Please visit the Welcome Center to browse the course catalog and access the most current course offerings.