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Procurement U Course 201: Market Research Strategies Now Open

Procurement U Course 201:
Market Research Strategies

Web-based, self-paced
Register here

Registration is now open for Procurement U Course 201: Market Research Strategies. Participants must complete all work by September 22 to receive a credit for contact hours.

This web-based, self-paced course will define market research and how it influences decision making in public procurement. Market research provides important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size, suppliers and competition.

Price: As the inaugural Procurement U web-based class, this opportunity will be available in a limited capacity at no-cost. NASPO members can enroll up to two central procurement office staff per state.This class is available for NASPO members only.

Who should attend?  Important! Because this is the inaugural class for Procurement U, it is limited to two central procurement office staff per state, as determined by the Chief Procurement Officer, as well as Procurement U Work Group members. As an intermediate course, content is intended to enhance knowledge and skills to provide a strong and extensive foundation of public procurement. Course content difficulty level is considered intermediate to advanced for participants with a sound knowledge base and a few years of procurement experience. Access to the class is not restricted by position or experience, but suggested participants include intermediate buyer, entry-level buyer, procurement analyst, contract administrator, finance/accounting manager, risk management supervisor, compliance officer or legal counsel.

Register through the Procurement U OLMS
Go here for additional log in directions.Materials Needed: Computer access and internet connection. Course materials will be available through the Procurement U Online Learning Management System.

Contact Hours: Procurement U 201: Market Research Strategies qualifies for two contact hours for UPPCC certification or recertification. Participants can anticipate approximately two hours of work.

Please contact NASPO staff at [email protected] if you have any questions. Procurement U 201: Market Research Strategies will be offered again in Spring 2016 for members and non-members.

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