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Governing Magazine Features State Procurement Ranking

Governing Magazine features a special report on state procurement in the February issue, highlighting the growing importance of procurement in helping state governments function better. The magazine unveiled a ranking of the states with the strongest procurement programs by using the results of an in-depth survey conducted by Governing Institute. The survey  assessed state purchasing processes and weighed factors such as contract management and effective implementation of technology.

“The Governing Institute’s spotlight on procurement demonstrates the increasingly strategic role that procurement professionals play in managing state governments effectively and efficiently,” said DeLaine Bender, Executive Director of the National Association of State Procurement Officials.

“The most forward-thinking state procurement offices are leveraging new tools made available through advances in technology, strategic sourcing, cloud computing and other innovations to make their states more fiscally shrewd, friendlier to the environment and better places to live and work. Procurement may not be atop the public’s consciousness, but this feature will demonstrate for people how innovative procurement practices do impact every citizen.”

NASPO believes the exposure generated by the Governing feature will generate much needed visibility for the profession and support the efforts of those in state procurement to be recognized as vital contributors.

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