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Join us for a reimagined Annual Conference, October 8-9 in Atlanta, GA!

NASPO’s Board of Directors has voted to reschedule the 2017 NASPO Annual Conference for October 8-9 in Atlanta, Georgia, in advance of the already-scheduled NASCA-NASPO Roundtable. While we know that this is late notice, we hope that this will provide a valuable opportunity for members to celebrate NASPO’s Legacy of Excellence and look forward to a Future of Innovation for state procurement.

Due to the short timeframe, the agenda has been condensed to reflect the most essential educational priorities and networking opportunities for members. Additional options are being pursued to ensure that all members are able to get the benefit of the conference experience, even if you are unable to join us in Atlanta. Registration will open within a week and be open only until Sept. 22 in order to facilitate the quick turnaround. Be looking for an updated conference website and the registration link this week. In the meantime, please contact NASPO staff with any questions or if we can provide support as you request expedited travel approval.

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