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Michael Jones Tapped as NASPO President-Elect

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 31, 2017) – The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) Board of Directors has named Michael A. Jones of Alabama its new President-Elect.
Jones is the State Purchasing Director for the state of Alabama and currently serves on the NASPO Board. A long-time NASPO member, Jones has chaired multiple NASPO committees, including the Annual and Marketing Conference Committees; presented and or facilitated at many NASPO conferences, such as the 2017 Academic Forum; and contributed to several research and educational opportunities presented by the association.
As President-Elect, Jones will assume the role of NASPO President in January 2018.  Following his one-year term as President, Jones will remain on the NASPO Board as Immediate Past President until December 31, 2019.
Jones replaces outgoing NASPO President-Elect Jim Butler, Chief Procurement Officer in the State of California, who has accepted a new position outside of government procurement.

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