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NASPO releases 2019 Top Ten Priorities for State Procurement & Top Five Horizon Issues

The two lists Top 10 Priorities and Top 5 Horizon Issues for State Procurement reflect current nationwide priorities as well as forward-looking issues that are likely to impact state procurement. The 2019 priority list debuts three front-runners: Agency Relations and Customer Service, Continuous Improvement Methodologies and Contract Administration. Maximizing eProcurement solutions ranked fourth and measuring procurement success ranked fifth holding steady among the top five priorities for four running years. Utilizing business intelligence tools and advanced analytics to improve decision making for state procurement has been recognized as a top horizon issue for two running years. Two new items have made their debut as the 2nd and 3rd horizon issues in 2019: Shared and Collaborative IT Services across the Enterprise and Moving from Supply Chain to Value Chain. IT procurement innovation and procuring emerging technologies continues to be front and center for states in 2019, as reflected by the IT-heavy list of horizon issues ranked collectively by CPOs for the past two years.

Click the below button to download the complete lists of top 10 Priorities and 5 Horizon Issues for 2019.


For more information, please contact Rebecca Montano-Smith.

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